Sencha Uchiyama - Japan.
With a high content of catechins, naturally occurring antioxidants, including EGCG.
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Type: Sencha Uchiyama
Origin: Kirishima in Kagoshima/Japan
Plant part: Leaf shoots from the tea plant Camellia sinensis
Shape: Needle-shaped
Colour: Deep, bright green
Infusion time: 3-10 min (a longer infusion time means more catechins and a more bitter taste).
Water temperature: About 80 degrees centigrade (for optimal infusion of the catechins).
Recommended: Tea-thermometer, see accessories at the bottom of this page.
This type of green tea from Japan is of the highest quality as regards the content of polyphenols.
Growing environment, harvest time and preparation method are decisive for the content and preservation of the polyphenols, e.g. the catechins including EGCG = Epi-Gallo-Catechin-Gallat, which is most powerful antioxidant.
Sen-(cha = tea) indicates the gentle preparation of the leaves, taking place by means of steaming and roller drying, whereby the valuable contents and antioxidants are preserved in the best possible way.
Temperature and infusion time for a cup of tea influences the taste and preservation of the catechins.
Uchiyama is the name of a family who have been growing and producing Japanese green tea of high quality for many hundreds of years.
min oplevelse med grøn te er den, at den kort tid efter indtagelse virker beroligende på spændinger omk. mave /tarm regionenen. tak for den!
A delightful well-spiced Christmas tea which can also be used as a natural Christmas punch spice. With no artificial additives.
- and children love it.
A delightful well-spiced Christmas tea which can also be used as a natural Christmas punch spice. With no artificial additives.
- and children love it.
Grøn te gír energi!
Jeg har igennem længere tid drukket en liter grøn Alkymea te dagligt. Den har gjort min krop lettere, sundere og jeg har masser af energi. Jeg synes denne smager godt-ren og "ægte". Jeg har anbefalet den til flere som fortæller om det samme. Vægtregulereing, væk med "den søde tand" og masser af energi.