A new and exceptional massage system for activating or relaxing stimulation of the command points of the body.
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The system is intended for self treatment and for use in relevant clinics.
Instructions for self treatment:
Choose "Kvik", the activating oil, when you are tired, feeling lethargic, inert or simply need more energy.
Choose "Balance", the relaxing oil, when you are overworked, stressed, restless etc.
Directions for use:
Gently rub a few drops of the oil onto some of the selected command points (see the enclosed massage guide). Select the points/areas you feel are suitable in the situation. If possible, treat the areas where the symptoms are. The points are stimulated according to the specific method described in the massage guide.
Product description:
Concentrated oil blends of olive oil and herbal extracts.
The set consists of: 1 "Kvik"-oil 50ml, 1 "Balance"-oil 50ml and a detailed massage guide.
Clinic Information:
Recommended for use in clinics for: Zone therapists and masseurs. Wellbi System is developed as a treatment which is very effective and it can successfully be integrated in other forms of massage treatment or zone therapy. We recommend clinics and therapists to start with one set as described above and then order the individual oils in the desired amount.
Min kone og jeg har brugt Balance olien fra Wellbi sættet til vores lille datter i en periode, hvor hun havde svært ved at falde i søvn. Olien havde en meget god beroligende effekt på hende, hvilket gjorde at hun lettere faldt i søvn. Balance olien blev hendes trylle-olie.
Efter mange år som massør har valgt også at tilbyde mine klienter behandling med Wellbi System. Jeg manglede noget at tilbyde mennesker, der måske pga stress havde indre uro eller eller følte sig psykisk anspændte. Uanset om vi vælger opkvikkende eller afslappende behandling, slapper klienterne vældig godt af under behandlingen og har derefter den ønskede virkning. Derudover er der eksempler på at nogle har renset meget ud i kroppen. Jeg har også erfaringer med at smertefuld hold i nakken er løsnet.
Jeg har haft stor glæde af Wellbi System Balance til at sove på og også i forbindelse med menstruation, hvor ubehaget har løsnet sig ca. 10 min. efter indgnidning.
Stimulates nerves and blood vessels so that effects such as increased blood flow, relief, warmth and muscular relaxation are obtained.
Massage balm 20% - Compared to the otherwise identical standard massage balm, only 20% camphor, menthol and essential oils are added.
Stimulates nerves and blood vessels so that effects such as increased blood flow, relief, warmth and muscular relaxation are obtained.
Wellbi System
Helt fantastisk som selvhjælp ved muskelspændinger og ømhed.